Excellent products from clear sea around Iceland
Brim produces high-quality food and by-products where the emphasis is on making full use of the raw materials that come ashore.
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Our Products
Brim prides itself on high quality, healthy and wholesome products made from fish from the clear sea around Iceland. Brim has an integrated operation of fishing, processing and marketing that promotes more efficient production and ensures an unrestricted way from the sea to the buyer. It is easy to trace the path of the products from the sea, to delivery to the buyer.
Brim has obtained various international quality certifications related to food and food production, such as IFS, FEMAS, IFFO and HACCP, but Brims' goal is to ensure traceability and quality to customers all over the world.
Brim emphasizes the sustainable utilization of fish stocks and responsibility towards the environment and society. Brim seeks certification for its products as appropriate, such as the IRF (Iceland Responsible Fisheries), the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and the GSSI (Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative).
Groundfish live and feed mainly on, near or near the seabed, from a depth of a few meters down to 600 meters or deeper, but are most common at a depth of 100-400 meters. Groundfish are mostly dark-colored, often with even darker spots or streaks on the back and sides, but lighter or whiter on the downward-facing side. Deep-sea fish are usually dark, sometimes carbon black or even red. The red color works black at great depths.
The main groundfish species that Brim catches and processes are cod, redfish, saithe, haddock, halibut and golden salmon.
Pelagic fish
Pelagic fish are among the most common fish species in the world. Around Iceland, capelin, herring and mackerel are the most caught, but less blue whiting. In warmer seas, anchovies and sardines are much more prominent. Pelagic fish have a relatively simple color pattern, are light on the abdomen, silvery on the sides and greenish or dark on the spine. What characterizes many species of pelagic fish is that they are close to land in turf, wade to the surface and are caught in larger quantities than other species.
The main pelagic species that Brim catches and processes are capelin, herring, mackerel and blue whiting.
Integrated fishing, processing and marketing activities ensure that Brim can produce products in accordance with market requirements. In addition, the company's diverse operations offer the opportunity to offer a wide range of products. Brim prides itself on high quality and healthy and wholesome products made from fish obtained from the clear sea around Iceland. Quality systems ensure that it is possible to trace the origin of the products from fishing to market or from market to fishing. International quality certifications according to IFS, FEMAS, IFFO and HACCP ensure traceability and quality to the company's customers around the world.
Pelagic fish
Pelagic fish
Contact Our Sales Mangagers or Sales Companies

David J. Davidsson
Sales Manager, Landfrozen Groundfish
Tel.: +354 550 1027 - Mobile: +354 858 1027
Robert Orn Gudmundsson
Sales Manager, Fresh Groundfish
Tel.: +354 550 1022 - Mobile: +354 858 1022
Solveig Arna Johannesdottir
Director of Marketing and Sales, Seafrozen Products
Tel.: +354 550 1012 - Mobile: +354 858 1012

Iceland Pelagic
Pelagic Products
Tel.: +354 470 0070

Icelandic Asia
Sales of our products in Asia
Tel.: +81 03 5472 0450