
Beint streymi af kynningarfundi 27.2.2025

Afurðir / Fish Roe

Fish Roe


The roe used in production by Vignir G. Jónsson ehf., A subsidiary of Brim, include roe from grayling, capelin, flying fish, cod, haddock, haddock and saithe. The company has a processing plant in Akranes, Iceland. Most of the production is sold to Europe and the United States. Cod roe are processed daily during the season. They are cleaned, trimmed and classified into product categories. Lumpfish is bought from small boats that land daily. The roe is taken from the lumpfish, cleaned and salted. The salted eggs are made into caviar and packed in glass jars under strict quality control. Masago and Tobiko are popular products in susi. Masago is made from capelin roe, while Tobiko is made from fly fish roe. The main difference between them is the texture, size and taste of the roe.

Fish Roe

Fish Roe from Vignir G. Jónsson ehf.

Lumpfish Caviar

Lumpfish Caviar

The lumpfish that provides the roe for lumpfish caviar is caught in the cold and clean waters around Iceland by small boats which bring to shore high quality raw material. MSC certified.


80 gr., 100 gr., 340 gr.,

IQF Cod Roe

IQF Cod Roe

The cod roe that is used for this product are especially selected for this process, resulting in a final product of the highest quality possible. MSC certified.


Size graded: 50-200 gr., 200-400 gr., 400-600 gr., 600-800 gr.
Packaging: 8 kg.



Masago is made out of capelin, where the roe is desalted in fresh water, then coloured and mixed with specially selected spices.


172 gr. (6 oz), 500 gr., 1000 gr., 2000 gr.


Tobiko is made from fly fish roe, which is imported mainly from South America. The tobiko process is much like the masago process.


172 gr. (6 oz), 545 gr., 500 gr., 1000 gr., 2000 gr.

Contact Vignir G. Jónsson ehf. for further information

Tel.: +354 431 5000
