Both at Sea and on Land
Brim has operating units both at sea and on land.
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At sea
Brim operates pelagic vessels, freezer trawlers and wetfish trawlers. There are various jobs on board, and the number of crew varies depending on the type of ship and fishing days. The fishing days of a freezer trawler can, for example, be up to a month, while in some cases, the fishing days of pelagic vessels can be counted in hours.

Akurey was built in 2017 in Turkey.

Viðey was built in 2017 in Turkey and arrived at its home port on December 21, 2017.

Helga María was built in 1988 in Flekkefjord, Norway.

Vigri was built in 1992 in Flekkefjord, Norway.

Venus was built in 2015 at Celiktrans in Turkey.

Víkingur was built in 2015 at Celiktrans in Turkey.

Swan was built in 1999 at Sanab & Slipen Mek Verkstad As.

Line boat, built 2018 by Trefjar, Iceland
Build in 1987 by Langsten Slip & Båtbyggeri A/S
Build in 2001 by Myklebust Mekaniske Verksted
On land
Brim’s operating units on land are in Reykjavík, in Akranes and in Vopnafjörður.
Brim’s main office is at Norðurgarður in Reykjavík, as is the demersal fish processing plant, which is one of the most advanced in the world. The management of the demersal and pelagic departments is located in the main office, as are the finance and marketing departments. The demersal fish processing plant has many diverse jobs, where thousands of portions of food are produced every day from high-quality ingredients.
In Akranes, Brim’s pelagic fish processing plant processes capelin roe. Production is only operational during the capelin fishing season, from February to March. The premises are specifically designed and the staff specially trained in the processing of capelin roe. The company also operates a fishmeal factory in Akranes for the processing of capelin and demersal fish waste.
Vopnafjörður is home to Brim’s pelagic processing plant. Located there is a processing plant which specialises in processing pelagic fish. There is also a fishmeal factory and a research laboratory, which performs measurements on freshness, fat content and more things related to the operations.
Brim’s subsidiaries in Iceland have offices in the southwest corner of the country. Fiskvinnslan Kambur has its offices in Hafnarfjörður, Vignir G. Jónsson in Akranes and Seafood Services in Reykjavík.